An atheist is someone who says there is no God. An agnostic is someone who says we don't or can't know whether or not there is a God.
I recently heard someone say that there are no atheists, only rebellious people. The more I think about that statement, the truer it rings. Why? Because it is impossible not to know there is a God.
It first enters our consciousness that there is a God when we simply look around at our surroundings. The Bible says:
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:20
All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. John 1:3
It's as simple as looking around and saying, "Wow. Look at all this stuff. How'd it all get here?"
The other day, I was involved in a discussion with a non-Christian who was wondering how anyone could possibly disbelieve evolution. Laying aside all the details, I believe the thing that most bothers many Christians about the philosophy behind the theory of evolution as well as the Big Bang theory is that, in many cases, these theories are not an attempt to describe how God might have created the universe, but how the universe might have come into being without God.
It couldn't have. There's no way.
We know this not only through the attributes of the things we're observing --that the botany, biology, chemistry, astronomy, physics, etc., of Earth work too well together and are too intricate and complex to have happened by mere accident or coincidence-- but also in the way we think about the things we're observing.
Have you ever looked at anything --your car, your dishwasher, your computer, your favorite painting-- wondered about its origins, and come to the conclusion that it simply materialized of its own volition out of thin air? Of course, you haven't. We don't think that way because that goes against every iota of life experience we've ever had. If we see an object, we know someone made it. Our experience feeds the logical way we think about this relationship between an object and its maker.
In addition to the overwhelming scientific evidence and intricacies and our life experience which God has provided to show us that He made this place, Romans 1:20 (above) tells us that the design of our brains is pre-programmed to make the connection between creation and Creator. We could not be "without excuse" if we were intellectually incapable of comprehending the relationship between the two, nor if we had not been created to think logically and rationally, deducing conclusions from the evidence available to us.
Our minds bear witness to the existence of God, in that:
- since there is such an intricately detailed, well designed creation, it must have been made by an intelligent, powerful Being.
- all of our life experiences lead us to the conclusion that if something exists, someone made it.
- our minds think logically and deduce conclusions from the evidence we observe.
- we have intelligence and are able to comprehend the relationship between a creation and its creator.
But think about how much it took to get that way, how many random combinations. If there was a God, then why isn't every single planet working just as smoothly and efficiently as ours? Earth just happens to have, out of so many unstable planets, all the components for life.
Unbeliever, thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate your readership.
What you said is exactly my point. The sheer minutiae of everything that had to be "just so" in order to sustain life hangs in such a delicate balance that it COULDN'T have just been random. Only God is big enough to be capable of having set all of those intricacies exactly the right way.
As to why our planet is the only one with the type of human life we have, I'm not sure why God chose to do things that way. But I can tell you He has a purpose for everything He does, so there is indeed a purpose for those other planets out there, it just isn't the same as His purpose for the earth.
It's kind of like this: Do you wear the same pair of shoes in every situation? Do you wear your dress shoes for jogging? Your rain boots to an important business meeting? No, there's a different purpose for each of your pairs of shoes, and, you, as the owner, get to decide which shoes are appropriate for which purpose.
Thanks again for reading and commenting.
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