Thursday, July 22, 2010

With the FIRST Fruits (and all the subsequent ones, too)

"Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the firstfruits of all your produce;" Proverbs 3:9

Ouch. God really convicted me of something yesterday. The verse above, in its proper context, is clearly talking about honoring God with our material increase: our money, our posessions, the tangible fruit of our labor.

I'm a stay at home mom. My paycheck does not come in the form of dollars and cents, but in hours and minutes. My wealth is time, and lately, I haven't been honoring God with it.

I confess, I have workaholic tendencies. I hit the ground running when I get up and don't stop until I go to bed. We just moved into a new house. There's a mountain of work to be done, and that's how I've been spending my wealth of time. I have squeezed God in when it was convenient for me. I have given God the leftovers of my time; the scraps from the table He Himself has seen fit to bless me with. I have pushed Him aside and lavished my wealth on work.

I dont' want to "make time for God" any more. I want Him to so consume my heart, my mind, and my spirit that I can't tear myself away. I want to be engulfed in flames of passion for communion with Him. He is only honored when I give Him what He is rightfully due-- everything.

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